Código: 406
Área Temática: Gestão tecnológica



Os Geradores de Conhecimento: O Uso da Aed Para Medir A Eficiência do Companhias do Setor de Tecnologia
In the last few decades, companies have passed through a technological revolution. They become intellectually intensive leading to a transition called the post-capitalist society. Their assets are not tied solely to capital, land and workforce, but also included assets dependent on the knowledge an organization can create, attain and spread. However several questions arise regarding how efficiently companies innovate and create knowledge in this new era. This current work analyzes the efficiency of highly innovative companies by using Data Envelopment Analysis methodology. More specifically were utilized the CCR model, introduced by Charnes, Cooper & Rhodes (1978), and the Multiplier model, idealized by Farrell (1958). A sample of 27 companies from the technological sector ranked according to U.S. Patent Office 2007 was analyzed in terms of their capacity to develop patents given their total investments in R&D and the marginal contribution of each worker compared to the operational margin. A view of the sample of data suggests that companies that applied strong efforts to generate knowledge and innovate were not necessarily efficient in overcoming the frontier of innovation. Moreover, the analysis pointed two companies as strongly efficient.


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