Código: 88
Área Temática: Organização do terceiro setor



International Non-governmental Organizations (ingos): A Different Process Of Internationalization?
The process or phenomenon of internationalization of companies has been studied and researched in the last 50 years. The management of non-profit organizations has been researched in the last decades, as well. However, despite the fact that both fields of study have been relatively well researched, little has been studied about the “crossing” between the fields. Can we apply the concepts, models, visions and theories of internationalization of companies for the case of non-profit organizations (the third sector)? Almost no scientific or academic works that explore the theme "internationalization of non-profit organizations” can be found in whatever the source we try. What is proposed in this essay is the discussion of this theoretical gap. It is presented an overview of the rare literature related to international non-profit organizations as well as of the main theories about internationalization of for-profit companies. After that, it is described a theoretical framework of the internationalization decision process for discussion and analysis along the essay. Finally, it is suggested some propositions related to the adaptation of the internationalization constructs and theories for the non-profit organizations reality. We propose that many constructs and theories applied to multinational enterprises should be adapted carefully to the NGOs’ reality.


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