Código: 15
Área Temática: Marketing e Comunicação



An Analysis Of The New Norwegian Customer Satisfaction Barometer (new Ncsb) In A Supermarket Context
A lot of consumer satisfaction barometers have been proposed by the literature. Initiatives for such propose in Brazil begun to take form in the end of 90’s. Initially, Rossi and Slongo (1997) proposed a method for measuring costumer satisfaction, basing on a state-of-art review and their practical consulting experience. As a result, subsequent ideas emerged. However, a dilemma is that the validity, the reliability, and the methods used to assess customer satisfaction and related constructs continue to learn, to adapt, and to improve over time. Thus, this paper tries to understand the modifications and improvements proposed by the new NCSB in Brazil. New NCSB is considers one of the last satisfaction barometers projected by the literature. The method was a survey in a supermarket context, including 264 respondents. The convergent and discriminant validity were supported for all constructs evaluated, using structural equation modeling. In summarize, the results showed support to seven from twelve hypotheses proposed by the model (the relations supported were: Quality on Satisfaction; Complaing Handling on Satisfaction; Price on Satisfaction; Satisfaction on Image; Satisfaction on Affective Commitment; and Affective Commitment on Loyalty). Conclusions for the model as overall and general comments from each hypothesis end the paper.