Código: 360
Área Temática: Internacionalização



Offshoring Of Services: Getting More Value At Lower Cost In Emerging Markets
Offshoring production and services is changing business models in many industries. In a first moment, a first wave can be identified based on offshoring manufacturing low aggregated value goods to emerging countries, while main activities and final assembly remain in mother country. However, a new wave is being detected and worrying developed countries because it means loss of white-collar jobs to emerging countries. Jobs in financial, engineering, IT, telecommunication, and customer care areas are moving abroad not only due to low cost workforce but also because the emerging countries are improving their workforce and a yellow alarm is blinking in developed countries. The bibliographical search done shows that developed countries are worried and it can be a good opportunity for emerging countries. It is a preliminary and for discussion paper for a better process understanding and how Brazil could be a good player in this new scenario. This study is not conclusive and it is not based on an extensive survey on service sector in Brazil or worldwide but shows a worry of some developed countries with this movement of white-collar jobs and if they are worried, it can be good for emerging countries.