Código: 100
Tema: Estratégia Internacional e Globalização



Communication Adaptation Decisions Considering Cultural Differences

After the 80’s, with the increasing academic discussion regarding the globalization of markets, two theories gained space concerning the orientation for the ideal commercial approach to be employed by the organizations willing to insert their brands in new territories: (i) standardization theory and (ii) adaptation theory. In this article, the scope of analysis centers on the adaptation theory.

This article sought analyzing the adaptation decisions of companies when communicating with distinct markets. Thus, the institutional communication executed by McDonald’s in Brazil and in the United States of America was analyzed in order to describe the macro environmental variables that exert influence over the brand management, as well as, identifying, in light of Hofstede’s Theory, the adaptation decisions under the aspects of individualism versus collectivism, masculinity versus femininity.

Accepting culture as an influential factor in the marketing decisions, Motta (2004) states that companies are not self-sufficient, thus, every company needs to interact with the environment within which it is inserted, in this way, they need a systemic vision of the surrounding environment. The author states that it is common to divide such marketing environment into two: the competitive environment (i) and the macro environment (ii).

Regarding the method, the research is characterized as qualitative and exploratory, using the content analysis approach of the commercials in both countries of the sample. Concerning the study’s sample definition, it was composed of electronic commercials advertised in the Brazilian market and in the American market from March 2011 to May 2014. It is important to emphasize that the sample was composed of institutional and promotional commercials.

As the results, it was observed that the company McDonald’s adapts its communication compound to the Brazilian culture both in the macro environmental aspects and in the subjective aspects mapped by Hofstede’s Theory.