Código: 1244
Tema: Gestão Ambiental



The Evolution Of Environmental Practices In Product Development In Embraer: A Longitudinal Case Study From 2007 To 2015

Studies such as Prajoro, Tang and Lai (2014) demonstrate that the extent of dissemination of the environmental management system within the organizations has a positive and significant effect on green management practices in terms of product, process and supply chain. To do the supply chain management in a sustainable way (SSCM) means that organizations are responsible for the environmental and social results of its suppliers (WALKER and JONES, 2012).

The purpose of this article is to identify the evolution of environmental practices in product development and the integration of these practices throughout the supply chain from 2007 to 2015 of Embraer, a Brazilian enterprise of aviation. The specific objectives are to replicate the Morilhas framework (2007) contemplating the environmental variable in all stages of product development and identify the current environmental practices of Embraer in steps of product development.

Wheelwright and Clark (1992) believe that the development and design of new products have their growing importance and related not only to new scientific and technological developments, but to the broader factors. For a product development, it is required a project. In the project there are phases. Wheelwright and Clark (1992) present five stages for product development in three areas of functional activities.

The method of this research is qualitative and exploratory, whereas the environmental variable in product development is still an unexplored subject. This is a case study, which, according to Yin (2001) consists of a deep and detailed study, allowing its extensive knowledge. We collected the data from primary form through interviews. We conducted three interviews that lasted on average 2 hours each, and all of them were recorded.

The first phase of the processing of data was to relate the environmental product development practices, listed by the three respondents. In the second phase of the analysis, we related to the company's environmental practices concerning the survey of Morilhas (2007) with current environmental practices, reaching thus the aim of analysis of longitudinal form.