Código: 579
Tema: Estratégia Internacional e Globalização



Dimensions On Born-global Firms´ Case Studies

The internationalization theme has presented a distinct conceptual evolution based on the duality of theoretical and practical discussions. The economic-social insertion can be seen as leading in establishing new modus operandi and new perspectives for firms or as stated by Johanson and Vahlne (1990) that firm internationalization is embedded in an ever-changing world.

The research problem of this article is “which key aspects are relevant when discussing the internationalization model of born-global firms?” Considering the internationalization context, this research’s overall objective is to analyze which dimensions and attributes are discussed in born-global firms case studies presented by the literature and in practice

Aiming to fully support the discussion of the internationalization and born-global theories were presented considering some prominent researches and their perspective regarding the subjects. The characteristics embedded in which theory was capture to sustain the analysis of the selected case-study articles.

This research was conducted on the ISI database considering the articles that developed one or more case study on born global companies. Data analysis considered two distinct stages: i) descriptive analysis to verify the amount of articles published by year, and the main journals; ii) content analysis to identify the dimensions discussed il the selected articles.

The quantitative analysis indicated that although the number of publications of case-studies on born-globals are increasing in a moderate pace, the citation of this articles are increasing, showing the relevance of this discussion. The content analysis conducted supported the development of a list of dimensions and attributes that although plural, presented concepts that are aligned with a global perspective of born-global firm model.